Become a Property Finder Today

Earn Up To $5k/mo Finding Cleveland Area Houses For Us

Hi! Here at JenX Homes we’re looking for people in Cleveland (and surrounding areas of Northeast Ohio) who can help us find houses that we can buy from home owners who need to sell.

In exchange we pay a really nice “finder’s fee”.

How Our JenX Homes Property Finder Cash Incentive Program Works

Really, it’s much simpler than you think.

  1. You find properties that fit our simple buying criteria.
  2. Send them to us (through the Deal Machine app).
  3. If we end up buying the property, we’ll pay you a $250 “finder’s fee” within 14 days.

Do you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who is in financial trouble and needs to sell?

Is there a vacant house at the end of the street that you’d love someone to buy and fix up?

Join our Property Finder Program below and send us the details… we’ll take it from there.

This is something you can do in your spare time for some extra money…

… on the way home from work, in your everyday life… when you find a property that fits what we’re looking for submit it.

If you’re interested in joining our program, just fill out the form below to join for free. 

Join Our “Property Finder Cash Incentive” Program FREE Below!